Latest quarterly update and product release details: 2024/12
Latest product release of the Allotrope Foundation Ontology: AFO page
Allotrope Simple Model (ASM)* and Allotrope Data Model (ADM) Availability**
Last Updated: February 12, 2025 (*ASM: JSON format, **ADM: RDF/ADF format)
# | Model | Use Case | Type | Maturity | ASM Availability | ADM Availability | Status |
1 | Automated Reactors - PAT (Process Analytical Technology) | Models the output of an automated reactor over a time period, including support for multiple common analytical techniques as well as a generic profile for arbitrary analysis | Tabular | REC | 2022/03 updated 2024/09 | 2021/09 | Released |
2 | Balance | Weight measurement of mass with a balance instrument | Tabular | REC | 2021/09 updated 2024/06 | 2020/06 | Released |
3 | Blood Gas Analyzer (BGA) | Measures the partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood as well as its pH | Tabular | REC | 2021/12 | 2020/03 | Released |
4 | Bulk Density | Measures the mass of the many particles of the material divided by the total volume they occupy.
It is used in determining the amount of powder that can fit in a space | Tabular | REC | 2021/12 | 2020/12 | Released |
5 | Calibration | A generic calibration report model for an instrument | Graph | REC | N/A | 2021/03 | Released |
6 | Cell Counting | Assessment of number of cells, viability percentage and other properties measured by a cell counter instrument. | Tabular | REC | 2021/12 updated 2023/09 | 2020/06 updated 2023/09 | Released |
7 | Cell Culture Analyzer (Metabolite Analyzer) | Assessment of cell culture health inclusive of glucose and lactate as indicators. | Tabular | REC | 2021/12 | 2020/12 | Released |
8 | Code Reader | The operation and resulting scanned code by a by barcode reader | Tabular | REC | 2022/06 | 2022/06 | Released |
9 | Conductivity | Measure the level of conductivity in solutions | Tabular | REC | 2021/09 | 2020/03 | Released |
10 | Chromatography Column | A generic model to represent a chromatography column properties | Tabular | REC | 2024/06 updated 2024/09 | By request | Released |
11 | Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) | A thermoanalytical technique in which the difference in the amount of heat required to increase the temperature of a sample and reference is measured as a function of temperature | Tabular | REC | 2021/12 | 2020/12 | Released |
12 | Disintegration | Disintegration test determines whether a particular dosage form disintegrate within a prescribed time | Tabular | REC | 2021/12 | 2021/06 | Released |
13 | Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) | A model for representing the data recorded by an ELN | Tabular | CR | 2024/12 | By request | Released |
14 | Electronic Spectrophotometry (Point) | A model that allows detection for several Spectrophotometer techniques such as: UV Absorbance, Luminescence and Fluorescence | Tabular | REC | 2024/03 updated 2024/12 | By request | Released |
15 | Electronic Spectrophotometry (Kinetic) | A model that allows detection over time for several Spectrophotometer techniques such as: UV Absorbance, Luminescence, and Fluorescence | Tabular | REC | 2024/12 | By request | Released |
16 | Electronic Spectrophotometry (Spectral) | A model that allows spectral detection for several Spectrophotometer techniques such as: UV Absorbance and Fluorescence | Tabular | REC | 2024/12 | By request | Released |
17 | Electrophoresis | Results interpretation of an electrophoresis experiment which involves an electrokinetic separation method. | Tabular | REC | 2024/06 | By request | Released |
18 | dPCR (Digital PCR) | A precise technique to quantify and amplify nucleic acids by partitioning them into numerous individual reactions, allowing for accurate quantification of target DNA or RNA molecules. | Tabular | REC | 2023/12 | 2023/12 | Released |
19 | Dynamic Vapor Sorption Analyzer (DVS) | DVS is a gravimetric sorption technique that measures how quickly and how much of a solvent is absorbed by a sample. It quantitate the ability of a solid to absorb/desorb a vapor. | Tabular | REC | 2021/12 | 2020/09 | Released |
20 | Foam Height | Measurements to test foaming behavior. The test is using image processing techniques. | Tabular | REC | 2022/06 updated 2023/09 | 2022/06 updated 2023/09 | Released |
21 | Foam Qualification | Measures the rise process of polyol in foam formulations | Tabular | REC | 2022/12 updated 2023/09 | 2022/12 updated 2023/09 | Released |
22 | FPLC | Fast protein liquid chromatography is used to analyze or purify large biomolecules such as mixtures of proteins, nucleotides and peptides. | Graph | REC | N/A | 2021/09 | Released |
23 | FPLC | Fast protein liquid chromatography is used to analyze or purify large biomolecules such as mixtures of proteins, nucleotides and peptides. | Tabular | REC | 2022/09 updated 2024/03 | 2022/09 updated 2023/09 | Released |
24 | FTIR | FTIR spectroscopy is used for identify compounds and determine components in a mixture | Tabular | REC | 2021/12 | 2021/03 | Released |
25 | Gas Chromatography | Results interpretation of a Gas Chromatography experiment | Graph | REC | N/A | 2020/12 | Released |
26 | Gas Chromatography | Results interpretation of a Gas Chromatography experiment | Tabular | REC | 2022/06 updated 2024/03 | 2022/06 updated 2023/09 | Released |
27 | GC-MS | Results interpretation of a GAS Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry experiment | Tabular | REC | 2024/09 | By request | Released |
28 | Gloss | Measuring the specular reflection (gloss) of a surface | Tabular | REC | 2022/12 updated 2023/09 | 2022/12 updated 2023/09 | Released |
29 | Hot Tack | A test to determine the strength of a heat seal, while it is still hot | Tabular | REC | 2022/12 updated 2023/09 | 2022/12 updated 2023/09 | Released |
30 | LC-MS | Results interpretation of a Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry experiment | Graph | CR | N/A | 2020/03 | Released |
31 | LC-UV | Results interpretation of a Liquid Chromatography - Ultraviolet detection experiment | Graph | REC | N/A | 2020/12 | Released |
32 | LC-UV Method | Standardized method descriptions of a Liquid Chromatography - Ultraviolet detection experiment to allow a unified method import and export across different instruments | Graph | REC | N/A | 2020/09 | Released |
33 | Light Obscuration (Liquid Particle Counter)/Solution Analyzer Detector | Liquid particle counting and sizing | Tabular | REC | 2021/12 updated 2024/09 | 2021/06 | Released |
34 | Liquid Chromatography | Generic results of a Liquid Chromatography experiment | Tabular | REC | 2021/12 updated 2024/03 | 2021/09 updated 2023/09 | Released |
35 | Loss on Drying | Volatile solvent content by measuring the weight loss from the material | Tabular | REC | 2021/12 | 2021/06 | Released |
36 | Mass Spectrometry - Intact Mass | Assessment of a protein's total molecular weight by mass spectrometry (MS) without prior digestion or fragmentation of the molecule of interest | Graph | REC | N/A | 2021/12 | Released |
37 | Mass Spectrometry | A generic result model of a mass spectrometry (MS) experiment | Tabular | REC | 2022/06 | 2022/06 | Released |
38 | Multi Analyte Profiling | Capture data from bead-based immunological assays and the associated analyzers | Tabular | REC | 2024/03 | By request | Released |
39 | Nephelometry | Identify extraneous matter in a dissolved sample. | Tabular | REC | 2021/12 | 2020/09 | Released |
40 | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) - Solution | A technique used to determine molecular structures and interactions in solution by measuring atomic nuclei's magnetic properties. | Tabular | REC | 2024/06 | By request | Released |
41 | Optical Microscopy | Imaging particle crystallinity or size. | Tabular | REC | 2022/03 | 2021/03 | Released |
42 | Osmolality | Measuring the concentration of all chemical particles found in the fluid part of blood. | Tabular | REC | 2021/09 updated 2024/06 | 2020/09 | Released |
43 | Oven/Coulometric Karl Fischer (KF) | Measuring the trace amount of water in a sample | Tabular | REC | 2021/12 | 2021/06 | Released |
44 | Particle Size Distribution (PSD) | Measure of distribution of particle sizes in a sample | Tabular | REC | 2021/12 | 2020/12 | Released |
45 | pH | Measuring the acidity or alkalinity of a solution | Tabular | REC | 2021/12 updated 2024/06 | 2020/03 | Released |
46 | pH Sensor | Measuring the acidity or alkalinity of a solution over time (Time series data) | Tabular | REC | 2023/03 updated 2024/03 | 2023/03 | Released |
47 | Plate Reader (Point) | A model that allows detection in a single run for several Plate Reader techniques such as: UV Absorbance, Luminescence, Fluorescence, Optical Imaging and Fluorescence Imaging | Tabular | REC | 2023/06 updated 2024/12 | 2023/06 updated 2023/09 | Released |
48 | Plate Reader (Kinetic) | A model that allows detection over time for several Plate Reader techniques such as: UV Absorbance, Luminescence, and Fluorescence | Tabular | REC | 2024/12 | By request | Released |
49 | Plate Reader (Spectral) | A model that allows spectral detection for several Plate Reader techniques such as: UV Absorbance and Fluorescence | Tabular | REC | 2024/12 | By request | Released |
50 | Pressure Monitoring | Measuring the amount of force or stress being applied to a material over time (Time series data) | Tabular | REC | 2023/03 updated 2024/03 | 2023/03 | Released |
51 | Pumping
| Modeling the operation of a pump, a type of positive displacement pump used for pumping a variety of fluids (Such as peristaltic pump) | Tabular | REC | 2023/03 | 2023/03 | Released |
52 | qNMR | Measuring the purity or solvent content of a sample using NMR spectroscopy | Tabular | REC | 2022/03 | 2021/03 | Released |
53 | qPCR | qPCR Assay Plate Reader – quantify DNA impurities and general quantification of DNA | Tabular | REC | 2021/12 updated 2023/09 | 2021/03 updated 2023/09 | Released |
54 | Raman | Capture material identity testing results via Raman spectroscopy | Tabular | REC | 2021/12 | 2020/06 | Released |
55 | Rheology | A technique used to measure the deformation of matter under the influence of imposed stress, by analyzing the internal response of materials to forces | Tabular | REC | 2024/09 | By request | Released |
56 | Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) | Investigating the microstructure and chemistry of a range of materials | Tabular | REC | 2022/03 | 2021/06 | Released |
57 | Single Quad-Mass Spec (SQD-MS) | Identify and quantify compounds using a single quadrupole mass filter in mass spectrometry | Graph | REC | N/A | 2020/12 | Released |
58 | Solution Analyzer | A model that allows multimode detection in a single run for several instrument types such as: BGA, pH, Metabolite Analyzer, Osmolality, Cell Counter, Absorbance, and Light Obscuration. | Tabular | REC | 2023/12 updated 2024/09 | 2023/12 | Released |
59 | Specific Rotation | Measuring the chirality of dissolved sample. (e.g. typical for an identity test). | Tabular | REC | 2021/09 | 2021/06 | Released |
60 | Stirring | Modeling the operation of a stirrer, a device used to stir a substance or solution. | Tabular | REC | 2023/03 updated 2024/03 | 2023/03 | Released |
61 | Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC) | Chromatography results of an experiment where supercritical fluid is used as mobile phase | Graph | REC | N/A | 2020/12 | Released |
62 | Surface Area Analysis | Particle measurement that provides data relevant to a material's adsorption and dissolution properties | Tabular | REC | 2021/12 | 2020/12 | Released |
63 | Tablet Hardness (Hardness Tester) | Determine the breaking point and structural integrity of a tablet | Tabular | REC | 2021/12 | 2021/06 | Released |
64 | Temperature Monitoring | Measuring the temperature of an object, substance or environment using a sensor or a device over time (Time series data) | Tabular | REC | 2023/03 updated 2024/03 | 2023/03 | Released |
65 | Tensile Testing | A destructive test process that provides information about the tensile strength, yield strength, and ductility of a material | Tabular | REC | 2021/12 updated 2024/03 | 2021/12 updated 2023/09 | Released |
66 | Thermogravimetric Analysis | Determining a material's thermal stability and its fraction of volatile components | Tabular | REC | 2021/12 | 2020/06 | Released |
67 | Titration (inclusive of KF) | Determining the unknown concentration of an identified analyte | Tabular | REC | 2021/12 | 2020/06 | Released |
68 | Walkup LC-MS | A simplified experiment with Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry | Tabular | REC | 2023/06 updated 2023/09 | 2023/06 updated 2023/09 | Released |
69 | X-Ray Powder Diffraction | Identifying unknown crystalline materials (e.g. minerals, inorganic compounds). | Tabular | REC | 2021/09 | 2020/03 | Released |
===================== | ======= Models under Discussion/Development ======== | ===== | === | ======= | ====== | ======= | |
70 | Plate Reder Area Scan | A model for representing the data recorded by an ELN | Tabular | TBD | TBD | By request | Under discussion |
71 | Dissolution | Dissolution testing measures the extent and rate of solution formation from a dosage form | Tabular | TBD | TBD | By request | Under discussion |
72 | Electrochemical Tester | Electrochemical test uses electrical stimulation to analyze the chemical reactivity of a sample surface or a solution | Tabular | TBD | TBD | By request | Under discussion |
73 | Multiangle Light Scattering (MALS) Detection | Determining both the absolute molar mass and the average size of molecules in solution (by detecting how they scatter light) | Tabular | TBD | TBD | By request | Under discussion |
74 | Flow Cytometry | A technique used to detect and measure physical and chemical characteristics of a population of cells or particles. | Tabular | TBD | TBD | By request | Under development |
75 | Calibration | A generic calibration model for a device and measurement | Tabular | TBD | TBD | By request | Under development |
76 | Binding Affinity Analyzer, SPR (Surface plasmon resonance) Detection | An analytical technique used to evaluate and rank order strengths of bimolecular interactions. | Tabular | TBD | Expected 2025/03 | By request | Under development |
77 | MALDI - TOF (Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time of Flight) | An MS technique used primarily for the analysis of biomolecules like proteins, peptides, DNA, and large organic molecules. | Tabular | TBD | TBD | By request | Under development |
===================== | ============= Models on the Horizon ============ | ===== | === | ======= | ====== | ======= | |
78 | Liquid Handlers | Automated laboratory instruments designed to accurately and precisely dispense, transfer, or manipulate liquid volumes. | Tabular | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
79 | Scintillation Counter Analysis | A technique for detecting and measuring ionizing radiation by using the excitation effect of incident radiation on a scintillating material, and detecting the resultant light pulses. | Tabular | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
80 | Western Blot | A technique for detecting a specific protein in a blood or tissue sample. | Tabular | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
81 | Refractometer | A technique used to measure the total plasma protein in a blood sample and urine specific gravity in a urine sample. | Tabular | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
82 | ELISpot (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Spot) | An analytical technique for quantitatively measuring the frequency of cytokine secretion for a single cell. | Tabular | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
83 | FACS (Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting) | A technique used in flow cytometry to physically separate cells based on their fluorescent properties. | Tabular | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
84 | Binding Affinity Analyzer, Bio-Layer Interferometry (BLI) Detection | An analytical technique used to evaluate and rank order strengths of bimolecular interactions. | Tabular | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
85 | Binding Affinity Analyzer, Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) Detection | An analytical technique used to evaluate and rank order strengths of bimolecular interactions. | Tabular | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
86 | Filtration | A tool used to test the functioning of a filter by process of separating solids from fluids. | Tabular | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
87 | xMAP Technology | High-throughput, multiplex and simultaneous detection of different analytes within a single complex sample. | Tabular | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
88 | Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC) | Chromatography results of an experiment where supercritical fluid is used as mobile phase | Tabular | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
Release Naming Conventions (Maturity)
The AFO, ASM, and ADM releases are named according to a simplified model of the W3C classification system. These levels are designed to convey the level of maturity of a particular model or term. Note that different terms and different data models within the Allotrope ecosystem will have different maturity levels, and that maturity levels will change over their lifetimes.
Working Draft (WD)
All models and terms start their lives as an implicit or explicit Working Draft. This level indicates that the content is under active development and may change significantly before being promoted to another level. Allotrope does not recommend the incorporation of working draft models into external software.
The WD is intended to be a community preview of current work in progress to increase the visibility of domains being developed in a centralized location within the main ADM repository. While Working Drafts are subject to major revision at any time, they often contain subparts which may be useful when modeling other domains; this allows working groups to communicate ideas and norm on shared patterns early, streamlining governance.
Terms submitted as a Working Draft are eligible for assignment of official Allotrope IRIs and require only a draft definition and a preferred label. As long as definition semantically is the same, the minted IRI will not change and can make it to full maturity.
Lastly, in the event that current work needs to be paused or put aside for some time, working groups should consider developing their models into Working Drafts so that the work can be built upon in the future.
Candidate Recommendation (CR)
A Candidate Recommendation term or model has been through semantic governance and has the approval of both the original development group and the Principal Semantic Engineer (PSE). Models in the CR state will not change in content for that particular release, but may change for technical reasons to address bugs akin to a software hotfix.
Models in Candidate Recommendation are considered by Allotrope to be stable enough for incorporate into external software and processes.
Recommendation (REC)
A Recommendation represents the highest level of maturity for a term or model. Artifacts that are Recommended are frozen and will not change for that revision. New developments or other changes will result in a new version of the model.

Model Types
All models, whether simple or complex, take the form of a semantic graph, which uses semantic triples to encode information. These semantic graphs have varying complexity that is driven by the complexity of the scientific domain that is being modeled. For many domains, a simpler set of triples which represent key/value pairs may be sufficient to faithfully represent the data. In other cases, the need to represent data about multiple objects necessitates connections between these key/value pairs which creates a connected graph. When starting, the suggested approach is to choose the simplest model which can represent the information. As all graphs live on a continuum, it’s possible to enrich a simple model over time to capture more complex relationships. Thus, it’s not really appropriate to say a Tabular or Connected Model approach is an either-or proposition; they are both semantic graph models of varying complexity.
Tabular Model: For domains where there is a single business object which is being measured and all of the measurements are directly related to this object, a tabular approach can be used. The tabular simplifies modeling by capturing just the individual measurements and associated measurement units and attaches them to a single entity being measured using a leaf node data pattern and simple aggregation patterns.
Another way to think of tabular models is as a set of key/value pairs, where the keys can be clearly distinguished without ambiguity and no references are required between keys (they can stand alone and accurately describe the data without relating to anything else.) Note that the context of the key/value pairs is represented only by the ADF file they are defined within; there may be no central node which connects the different keys. Tabular models are quick to assemble but lack the flexibility of full graph models. Nevertheless, tabular models, if constructed correctly, can be enhanced into full graph models as desired; many domains can be completely modeled using a tabular approach and no further expansion into a full graph is necessary.
Graph Model: For domains where there are multiple business objects being modeled or there are complex relationships such that it is insufficient to capture just the simple outputs of a single entity, a connected graph model richly models the different relationships in a complete, connected graph. An example of a connected graph model is the Allotrope LC-UV ADM.