Membership and Licensing
Membership Details
Allotrope Foundation stands behind the Framework to ensure that the resources for the support, maintenance and governance are maintained and an actively engaged community of contributors is sustained.
As a not for profit entity Allotrope Foundation is dependent on the funding from membership to provide the resources for: operations, consortium and project management; governance support and maintenance; workshops, training and collaboration events; and of course new development to continue to grow and evolve the Framework. Given these drivers, the Allotrope Foundation membership model takes into account both non-profit and commercial applications of the Framework capabilities and, balances openness and accessibility with the financial stability of the Foundation and it’s infrastructure.

member benefit ✓ commercial license benefit ✓
1: Small Business Membership is available to companies with less than 25 employees or an annualized revenue less than one million US dollars; in each case calculated in aggregate across their entire organization, including the employee counts and revenues of any affiliated entities.
​2: Allotrope Connect is an interactive conference with presentations, break-outs, networking sessions and features presentations on member company implementation projects, vendor presentations and demos, updates and progress reports from Allotrope Foundation and Working Groups
Membership and License Model
Openness, adoption, and sustainability are intricately linked, and have to be balanced:
Allotrope Foundation stands behind the Framework and ensures that the resources for the support, maintenance and governance are maintained and as well as sustain the community.
Given these drivers we have developed a membership and license model that takes into account both non-profit and commercial applications of the Framework capabilities that balances openness and accessibility with the financial stability of the Foundation and it’s infrastructure (human and physical resources).

# Current fee for 2024 = $55,000 USD. The fee for 2025 is anticipated to be $35,000 USD
* For companies with less than 25 employees or less than $1 million US Dollars in annualized revenue; in each case calculated in aggregate across their entire organization, including the employee counts and revenues of any affiliated entities.
^Organizations that don’t meet the criteria for APN Membership are encouraged to reach out to Allotrope Foundation ( to explore opportunities for collaboration.